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Giddens School is known for its sense of community. Our parents, grandparents, students and alumni show their love of our school in many ways, both in and out of the classroom.

Spend some time at our school - in the classrooms, browsing the library, playing on the playground or attending a special event - and here’s why: active learners benefit from a fully committed, supportive community, and that is the basis of the Giddens way… a partnership between you and the school.

Giddens is fortunate to have significantly broad participation for our many school events. Here are two ways you can become involved at Giddens:

Active Participation: We encourage you to participate in the Giddens experience by being involved in the classroom, volunteering to help with projects, sponsoring activities or joining organizations that work for the school through the Parent Association.

Philanthropy: Like most independent schools, Giddens relies on the generous support of families and friends to augment its operating budget every year. We invite all parents and caregivers to make the school their number one philanthropic priority.