Teaching & Learning at Giddens
Academic Excellence & Learning
We prepare students with deep knowledge and understanding of the core content areas of schooling: mathematics, science, social studies, and literacy. Additionally, the process of learning to learn is central at Giddens. We support students to understand who they are as learners so that they can advocate for themselves.
Learn MoreSocial Justice Content & Commitment
We engage students to understand the world through a social justice lens. This lens provides Giddens students with guideposts for understanding and actively participating in a democratic society.
Social & Emotional Development
We support social and emotional learning by working with students to develop their own understanding of who they are in relation to learning, to their communities, and to the world.
Learn MoreFacts about Giddens
Service learning is embedded in our curriculum and students learn about food insecurity and food deserts. Students run food drives and stock the Free Little Pantry that sits outside our gate daily to support our neighborhood.
Students experience community through cooking and practice the mathematics and science skills in our teaching kitchen while cooking global foods.

Led by our Technology Education Specialist, our technology program reinforces the development of digital citizenship with students learning the skills and behaviors to be responsible consumers and producers of information.

S.P.A.R.K. units are inquiry based learning experiences that place science and social studies content knowledge side by side with social justice topics.

Our PE program provides developmentally appropriate instruction from basic movement exercises to more complex team sports.

Bridges in Mathematics emphasizes math discourse, helps kids express their mathematical thinking, and creates a structure for kids to explore multiple strategies for solving a complex problem and exploring mathematical concepts.

Giddens uses resources and perspectives from Wired for Reading, Fountas and Pinnell, Daily 5, Words Their Way, Guided Comprehension, and other programs to support our reading curriculum.

Small group instruction takes place at all grade levels allowing teachers to meet students' changing needs.

All extended day programs (7:45 am - 5:30 pm) are included in the cost of tuition. Our extended day program allows students to continue to learn and play together beyond the school day.

We believe that the best learning happens in a diverse, inclusive, and caring school environment which provides ample opportunities for students to take risks, build understanding across boundaries, and be more open and caring members of the school, community, and our multicultural society.

Through instruction that attends to common core state standards, students regularly exceed grade level expectations in formal and informal assessments.

Students are highly sought after by leading area middle schools for their commitment to social emotional maturity and high academic skills.

In our container gardens, student grow flowers and vegetables to eat and learn about food science.